1 # Hardware Debugging In Eclipse
3 Build a binary with debugging information using command line or via Eclipse make target.
5 Example Eclipse make target
7 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/make 1 - OLIMEXINO GDB.PNG)
13 Create a new debug configuration in eclipse :
14 ![connect to openocd](http://i.imgur.com/somJLnq.png)
15 ![use workspace default](http://i.imgur.com/LTtioaF.png)
17 you can control openocd with a telnet connection:
21 stop the board, flash the firmware, restart:
28 flash write_image erase /home/user/git/u360gts/obj/u360gts_NAZE.hex 0x08000000
35 A this point you can launch the debug in Eclispe.
36 ![](http://i.imgur.com/u7wDgxv.png)
40 Here are some screenshots showing Hydra's configuration of Eclipse (Kepler)
42 If you use cygwin to build the binaries then be sure to have configured your common `Source Lookup Path`, `Path Mappings` first, like this:
44 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 7.PNG)
47 Create a new `GDB Hardware Debugging` launch configuration from the `Run` menu
49 It's important to have build the executable compiled with GDB debugging information first.
50 Select the appropriate .elf file (not hex file) - In these examples the target platform is an OLIMEXINO.
54 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 1.PNG)
56 Choose the appropriate gdb executable - ideally from the same toolchain that you use to build the executable.
58 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 2.PNG)
60 Configure Startup as follows
62 Initialization commands
65 target remote localhost:2331
68 monitor flash device = STM32F103RB
69 monitor flash download = 1
70 monitor flash breakpoints = 1
76 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 3.PNG)
78 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 4.PNG)
80 It may be useful to specify run commands too:
83 monitor reg r13 = (0x00000000)
84 monitor reg pc = (0x00000004)
88 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 13.PNG)
90 If you use cygwin an additional entry should be shown on the Source tab (not present in this screenshot)
92 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 5.PNG)
94 Nothing to change from the defaults on the Common tab
96 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 6.PNG)
98 Start up the J-Link server in USB mode
100 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 9.PNG)
102 If it connects to your target device it should look like this
104 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 10.PNG)
106 From Eclipse launch the application using the Run/Debug Configurations..., Eclipse should upload the compiled file to the target device which looks like this
108 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 11.PNG)
110 When it's running the J-Link server should look like this.
112 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 12.PNG)
114 Then finally you can use Eclipse debug features to inspect variables, memory, stacktrace, set breakpoints, step over code, etc.
116 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/debugging.PNG)
118 If Eclipse can't find your breakpoints and they are ignored then check your path mappings (if using cygwin) or use the other debugging launcher as follows. Note the 'Select other...' at the bottom of the configuration window.
120 ![](assets/eclipse-gdb-debugging/config 8 - If breakpoints do not work.PNG)